Game Object

The base class that all The Stage elements extend. It is generally not meant to be used directly, but can be used in a pintch.

Since it provides common interfaces for generally useful functionality, it is a good candidate to extend for custom game elements.

The functionality is encapsulates is positioning on the x/y axis, generic graphics support, and defining text that responds to verbs, which is then shown in Text Display.


The tag should be added inside the <body> tag, and outside the The Stage element, usually inside a Scenes file.


The Game Object component supports two posititioning attributes, x and y. These attributes take positive integers or 0, and, as one might have guessed, position on the x/y axis inside the stage. All units are in pixels. For example, <game-object x="0" y="400"> will place the object at the far left of the stage, 400 pixels down from the top.


The Game Object component supplies basic support for graphics - aka, how the component will look.

Any standard HTML graphics format or tag can be used, including <img>, <picture>, and <svg>.

To define the graphic, place an element (usually <div> or <span>) inside the <game-object> with the slot name “graphic”. Inside that, place your image tag.

<game-object x="300" y="300">
  <span slot="graphic">
    <img alt="Hello, world" src="my-image.png">

Responding to verbs

The Game Object provides functionality to respond to verbs selected by the player, and responding by displaying text.

Other functionality is handled by elements that extend the Game Object, such as Scene Portal.

To define the text, place an element (usually <div> or <span>) inside the <game-object> with the slot name “text”. Inside that, place any number of elements with the data-action-trigger attribute.

<game-object x="200" y="150">
  <span slot="text">
    <span data-action-trigger="greet">Hello!</span>
    <span data-action-trigger="examine">It's pretty interesting.</span>

The value of each data-action-trigger should be one of the verbs defined in Actions Menu, or default for the action when nothing else is selected.

The contents of the element should contain the text you want displayed in response to that verb. This text will be displayed in Text Display.

Full example

<game-object x="200" y="150">
  <span slot="graphic">
    <img alt="My image" src="example.jpg">
  <span slot="text">
    <span data-action-trigger="default">This is the default.</span>
    <span data-action-trigger="push">You push the thing.</span>
    <span data-action-trigger="pull">You pull the thing.</span>
    <span data-action-trigger="talk">You talk to the thing. It doesn't say much.</span>
    <span data-action-trigger="take">You can't take this thing.</span>
    <span data-action-trigger="open">It opens up, and talks about it's childhood.</span>
    <span data-action-trigger="close">Yeah, enough of this, shut it down.</span>
    <span data-action-trigger="give">What do you even give an abstract demo?</span>
    <span data-action-trigger="look">It's an abstract demo.</span>

HTML attributes


X position of the Game Object in pixels, relative to the The Stage. Required.


Y position of the Game Object in pixels, relative to the The Stage. Required.


A list of space-seperated verbs and/or items that will trigger the scene move. Required.


Used inside the Game Object to define the visual representation. Place a <img> or other graphic tag inside. Can be used on any element type, although <span> or <div> are generally used since they are generic containers. Required.


Used inside the Game Object to define text responses to player actions. Can be used on any element type, although <span> or <div> are generally used since they are generic containers.


Used to signal which verb or item the element’s text should apply to. Can be applied to as many elements as there are defined verbs or items, plus the default action. Must live inside Game Object and inside an element with slot="text".

JavaScript code signature

The component extends HTMLElement.

class GameObject()

Base class for all game objects.

Create the game object.


Create the game object.


Call all registered interaction callbacks.

  • event (Event) – The pointerup event.




Sends the given text for the triggered action to the text-display component.

  • event (Event) – The pointerup event.




Add a callback function to be called when the game object is interacted with.

  • fn (function) – callback function.

